Manitoba and the city state of Hamburg, Germany have participated in an exchange program for high school students since 1979. In January 2017, Manitoba and Hamburg reinforced their longstanding cooperation by re-signing official exchange agreements.
Full program details, including the eligibility and the costs involved for Manitoba students, can be found at
Application procedure
There is a deadline for the application, including for all required attachments. Please check the MTG Website.
Please complete the application form carefully. It will be used to find your exchange partner.
- The online form is available in the German language only. You can download a translation.
- Most fields are indicated as required to make sure you do not overlook them. The questions can be answered with e.g. „nein“ „keine/r“ where approbiate.
- Some fields have validity rules. If you receive an error message such as „Fehler beim Ausfüllen: Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Angaben“ you should check for errors such as an emailaddress followed by a space.
- Not enough room for your answer? You can give more information in your letter to your potential exchange partner.
- For safety reasons your entries become invalid after 20 minutes without any recordable activity. To avoid losing data you can skip backwards a page within the 20 minutes.
- Please do not close the webbrowser without saving your data. In case you do not have the time to complete the entire form in one session you can terminate without losing data by pressing the „unterbrechen“ button. Subsequently you need to download a HTML-file on your computer. Once you are ready to continue you only have to open your HTML-file by doubleclick.
Attention: the „unterbrechen“ button will not be displayed on mobile browsers (Opera Mini or Safari, for example). - Once you press the „weiter“ button on the last page (that is the page with the question „Hast Du besondere Wünsche“) your data will be transmitted and no further changes can be made.
However, if you need to to make important modifications after transmitting you can fill in the form again within the application period. This will be easier if you downloaded a final HTML back-up before. Your old data will be overwritten by a re-transmisson. After transmisson a formal application form with your data can be downloaded as a pdf-file on request.
Data protection
The HTML-file as well as the pdf-file contain your personal data – protect them against unauthorized access! If the computer you use to fill the form is also used by people other than your family you should not save the files on the local drive. It is better to use a removable storage device such as a flash drive.
Never send your data files unprotected via email! To copy the file to another computer you also should use a flash drive.
Within a few days after you completed your online application form you will receive an email from with an invitation to register for the shared workspace system „Be Smart Cooperate Worldwide“. Please open the invitation link and follow the prompts to register. If you do not receive the invitation email check your spam or junk folder.
Once you are registered for the BSCW-Server you will find a folder showing your „Family Name, First Name“. The folder already contains your application form with all data you provided by filling the online form. Please upload your application attachments in the same folder.
Required attachments:
- Documents to be signed
You can fill out the following pdf forms on your computer. To make sure that your entries will be saved with the document, you must download the pdf file on your computer first and then open it with Adobe Reader version 8 or higher or with Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. Alternatively you can print the forms and fill in the information by hand.- Code of behaviour
Filename as follows „Family Name, First Name – code of behaviour“ - Binding agreement
Filename as follows „Your Family Name, your First Name – binding agreement“
- Code of behaviour
- Letter to your potential german exchange partner
Please write a one page letter to your potential exchange partner and host family in which you describe yourself and your characteristics – How do others see you?
The letter should include the following: your interests, hobbies, etc. and something that might be important for your exchange partner to know about you. Provide a short explanation of why you want to participate in this exchange and provide some basic information about your family, family members, family life (e.g. routines, traditions, expectations), what your family likes to do together. Do not forget to mention something that you are looking forward to in regards to the exchange.
Filename as follows „Your Family Name, your First Name – letter“ - Identity photo
One application photo (portrait, school photos work well)
Filename as follows „Your Family Name, your First Name“ - Family photos
One set of photographs which reflects parts of your life such as family, friends, pets, house, school, important occasions of your life and so on. Compressed images are fine – the total size must not exceed 1 MB.- either one document including some pictures with descriptions
filename „Your Family Name, your First Name – photos“ - or up to 4 image files
filename each „Your Family Name, your First Name – content“
- either one document including some pictures with descriptions
- Copy of latest report card
Filename as follows „Your Family Name, your First Name – schoolreport“
- School reference letter
Choose one teacher to write a letter of recommendation for you
Filename as follows „Your Family Name, your First Name – school reference“
Host applicants are required to submit a Winnipeg Police Information Check with Vulnerable Sector Search from the Winnipeg Police Service for each resident over the age of 18.
- Host applicant’s Information Checks must be dated no older than one (1) year from the date of application. The Information Check must include the Vulnerable Sector Search.
- You can choose to apply online or in person only through the Winnipeg Police Service.
- Please select „Manitoba-Germany Exchange” as agency.
- The results of your online applications for police check and vulnerable person check will be accessed directly by the MTG-Germany Exchange Coordinator.
- If you are outside the City of Winnipeg, you will need to go in person to the Police Office of your municipality and provide a copy for the records of MTG.
- Please be aware that this will take a minimum of 10 days and probably more.
For more information please visit Winnipeg Police Service website.
The non-refundable deposit must be paid via cheque (Canadian Funds) made out to Manitoba-Germany Exchange. The amount requested can be taken from the MTG Website. Advance Payments to be sent to:
Elly Kampen
54 Apple Hill Road
WInnipeg, Manitoba
R3Y 1A5
As soon as the matching procedure is completed you will receive a corresponding message from the Manitoba Teachers of German Exchange Committee.